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Okay to Say - Tip Line

LPS Tip LIne

Students are a valuable resource regarding information pertaining to school safety. If you have any information regarding dangerous or threatening behavior that pertains to the students or staff of LCTC, please share your information with school personnel in one of the following manners:

Principal's email -

LPS Anonymous Tip Hotline: (734) 744-2545 . Please note, this line is only attended during business hours. If this is an urgent matter, please use the  Okay to Say contact. 

OK2SAY is a 24-hour program designed to empower Michigan students, parents, school personnel, community mental health service programs, and law enforcement to share and respond to student safety threats. To learn more, visit the OK2SAY web page. LPS has a tip line as well that is manned during business hours only. The tip line number is 734-744-2545.