Criminal Justice Technology
Criminal Justice Technology 1
- Course Description: Criminal Justice Technology 1 is a one-year program designed for students interested in investigating careers as criminal lawyers, federal agents, police officers, civilian police personnel, firefighters and EMT, corrections officers, or private security. This course will introduce students to various public safety agencies and provide the students with the recommended path to pursue their desired career choice. Students will learn technical and academic standards used in public safety careers.
- Prerequisites: none
- Foundational Skills: National best practices in Use of Force and de-escalation, tactical decision making, Constitutional Law, crime scene investigations, Response to Active Attacker Events.
- Certification(s): LAPSEN National Law Enforcement Certification, BLS (AHA), Firearms Safety (American Firearms Training)
Criminal Justice Technology 2
- Course Description:
- Prerequisites: Criminal Justice Technology 1
- Foundational Skills: Advanced Use of Force and de-escalation with a concentration in less lethal options, tactical response, sUAS (drone) operations and implementation in law enforcement, and internship opportunities
- Certification(s): TBD
To learn more about the Multiple Interactive Learning Objectives (MILO) training system used in our Criminal Justice courses follow this link.
To learn more about the American Firearms Training certification our students will be working toward, please follow this link.