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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the Career Intern Program for anyone?
A: No. The intern program is for a select few students (approximately 25 per semester) who are eligible based on their grade point average. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 to apply into the program.

Q: What is the process to get into the program if my son/daughter qualifies?
A: Students with a GPA of 3.0 will receive a letter from the Intern Coordinator in January of their junior year of high school. They are given a pass to attend an assembly that will explain the process of admission.

Q: If they are eligible based on a GPA, should my son/daughter just sign up for the program with their counselor?
A: No. Students who are eligible need to fill out an application, attain three letters of recommendation, and participate in an interview. This is an important part of the selection process and shows the coordinator responsibility and time management skills. Applications and recommendation forms are passed out at the assembly at their home school. They will also be posted on this sight beginning in January each year.

Q: How long does this process take?
A: Even though eligible students receive a letter in January, they may not know until April if they are admitted into the program.

Q: Can my son/daughter intern anywhere they want?
A: We closely look at the Education path your student has been following. Some sites require a student to be 18 years of age to intern. Others, that have been used in the past, now require students to be a junior or senior in college. It is constantly changing and new sponsors are found on a regular basis.

Q: My son/daughter is interested in teaching as a career. How does this work into the process?
A: State mandates that all students interested in a teaching career, whether it is general or special education, must have taken a "Teacher Cadet " class. Unfortunately, Livonia Public Schools does not have this course. There is no exception to this rule. However, students interested in this career, including special education, can be placed in businesses and facilities outside of the Livonia Public Schools School District.

Q: Is this an after school class?
A: Somewhat. Students are released from their 5th, and 6th hours (some are released beginning with their 4th hour) and spend approximately 12 hours a week at their intern site. Students also meet every Friday with the coordinator from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. during mandatory seminars.

Q: Can students take a Career Center class while participating in the CIP?
A: Absolutely! Many students take a Career Center class while enrolled in CIP. If it works into their schedule, there is no problem with being enrolled in both. CIP is a 5th and 6th hour class.

Q: Can students be dual enrolled while participating in the CIP?
A: Yes. This should not interfere with evening college classes for students who are dual enrolled.