Career Intern Program
Career Internship Program
This program is by invitation only and requires a minimum GPA of 3.0. Selection is made after an interview with the coordinator.
Career Intern Program 1
1859 (1 Credit)
1857 (1.5 Credits)
2857 (1.5 Credits)
2859 (1 Credit)
Career Intern Program 2 Prerequisite: CIP 1 and approval of coordinator.
2858 (1.5 Credits)
2860 (1 Credit)
The Career Intern Program is a work-based career exploration experience for high achieving, college-bound seniors. Non-paid internships are available in areas including engineering, medicine, law, marketing, and journalism, to name a few. Internship placements can be developed to match most career areas of interest. Past interns have been placed at area hospitals and medical centers, the City of Livonia, District courthouses, as well as, law firms, and veterinarian hospitals.
Students are invited to apply to the Career Intern Program during their junior year. They receive 1.0-1.5 credits per semester and work approximately 12-16 hours per week. On average, interns are at the business site four days per week. The fifth day is spent in a seminar with the program coordinator working on projects and covering topics such as communication skills, teambuilding, and writing career goals. Interns are required to develop portfolios, which prove useful for scholarships and college admissions.
Interns must keep a daily journal of their activities, provide their own transportation (they will receive a parking permit), and dress according to the requirements of the internship site.
Students are invited to participate in the program based on a combination of GPA, educator recommendations and a personal interview with the program coordinator.
Interested students are required to complete an application packed, which is distributed at a school assembly scheduled in February.
Note: All of the internship classes will address issues including communication skills, teambuilding, overcoming adversity, and interpersonal skills. Students will develop the above skills and be open to ideas of change.