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Career Intern Program

LPS Career Intern Program (CIP)

Livonia Public Schools offers professional internship opportunities for high school seniors attending Churchill, Franklin, and Stevenson High Schools. These Internship Programs include The Career Intern Program (CIP) and the Skilled Trades Intern Program.

High school elective credit is granted to those students selected to participate in these programs. In some cases, college credit and advanced admission into college programs are received.

Please refer to the links on the left for more information about the intern programs at Livonia Public Schools.


The recruitment process for the Class of 2025 is happening now!! If you received a letter of invitation based on your GPA (this is verified), the last day to apply and get your paperwork to the counseling office is February 28! Below is the application for the Class of 2025.

Educator Recommendation Form



CIP II is a continuation of the Career Intern Program. All first semester students who are eligible to continue their career exploration studies and observations are invited by the program coordinator to work additional hours and learn. This is a very select group of students. Attendance, assignment completion, and class participation are an important part of getting into this class.

Prerequisite: Participation in the first semester career intern class.


Below is a list of the sponsors we have used in the past. This is not an all-inclusive list and some of these sponsors may not host an intern at this time. Students who are accepted into the program are free to find a sponsor on their own with the help of the coordinator.

Sponsor List

Video Presentation